About Us

Green Beast XL is a growth harmone secretagoga which means that it is a compound that stimulates the pitultary gland to increase production of HGH and does not cause Pituitary desensitization.

When HGH enters the bloodstream it converts to IGF-1(Insulin like Growth Fator)

This is responsible for muscle growth. IGF-1 binds to its receptors in skeletal muscle tissue accelerating protein synthesis.

  • Other unique features of HGH is Hyperplasia, the increase in the number of muscle cells due to their Proliferation.
  • Hyperplasia is significant because HGH induced muscle gains are permanent and divided cells allow you to exceed your genentic limit for muscle mass.
  • The fat burning function is performed by HGH itself. The harmone binds to somatropin receptors which leads to the elevation of free fatty acids. So, body starts using fats instead of carbohydrates, as an energy source.

Burn Body Fat

Body starts using fat, instead of carbohydrates, as an energy source.


Build Muscle

Increased HGH production, accelerating protein synthesis.


Increase Strength

Elevation in the level of free fatty acids results in high energy & strength.


Improve Recovery

Permanent muscle gains, allows you to exceed your genetic limit for muscle mass.


Improved Weight Lifting

Does not suppress the body's testosterone production thus making it perfect for use during or after your cycle.


No Side Effects

Will give you positive effects of higher HGH without increase in CORTISOL, which has negative effects.

Authenticated Products

Always buy autheticated products for optimum results and satisfation. Duplicate products may cause faulty outcome and serious health disorders. Make sure to verify your product via WhatsApp.